Beyond Brick & Mortar_ How E-commerce is Making Malaysian Businesses Shine

Within the Malaysian economy, a network of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) plays a crucial role. These businesses form the nation's backbone, accounting for a remarkable 97.4% of all enterprises and contributing a significant 38% to the country's GDP . MSMEs drive innovation, preserve cultural heritage, and foster local prosperity through job creation and community engagement. However, their path to sustainable growth faces challenges such as rising competition and resource constraints, even more so for businesses outside major urban centres. Fortunately, digitalisation offers a promising solution. E-commerce, a cornerstone of digitalisation, presents a powerful platform for MSMEs to overcome these obstacles. It can help businesses reduce overhead costs, transcend geographical limitations, and unlock new customer bases. Moreover, e-commerce platforms often offer tools and features that enhance customer engagement and foster brand loyalty, creating a more int...